GSAP & Locomotive Scroll

Introduction to GSAP GSAP(Greensock Animation Platform) is a powerful JavaScript animation library that allows you to create high-performance animations for web applications. It is widely used for animating elements with precision and smoothness. 2. Installing GSAP You can use GSAP in multiple ways: CDN <script src=""></script> 3. Basic GSAP Syntax GSAP uses the .to(), .from(), and .fromTo() methods to animate elements. → Animates from the current state to a new state.".box", { x: 200, duration: 1 }); gsap.from() → Animates from a given state to the current state. gsap.from(".box", { opacity: 0, y: -50, duration: 1 }); gsap.fromTo() → Specifies both the start and end states explicitly. gsap.fromTo(".box", { x: 0 }, { x: 300, duration: 1 }); 4. Key Properties x, y → Move horizontally/vertically scale, scaleX, scaleY → Scale size rotation, rotate → Rotate element opacity → Change transparency skewX, skewY → Skew transformation stagger → Create a delay between multiple elements Example ...

February 15, 2025 · 4 min · 838 words · Ahmad Hassan