Introduction to GSAP

GSAP(Greensock Animation Platform) is a powerful JavaScript animation library that allows you to create high-performance animations for web applications. It is widely used for animating elements with precision and smoothness.

2. Installing GSAP

You can use GSAP in multiple ways:


<script src=""></script>

3. Basic GSAP Syntax

GSAP uses the .to(), .from(), and .fromTo() methods to animate elements.

  • → Animates from the current state to a new state.".box", { x: 200, duration: 1 });
  • gsap.from() → Animates from a given state to the current state.
gsap.from(".box", { opacity: 0, y: -50, duration: 1 });
  • gsap.fromTo() → Specifies both the start and end states explicitly.
gsap.fromTo(".box", { x: 0 }, { x: 300, duration: 1 });

4. Key Properties

  • x, y → Move horizontally/vertically
  • scale, scaleX, scaleY → Scale size
  • rotation, rotate → Rotate element
  • opacity → Change transparency
  • skewX, skewY → Skew transformation
  • stagger → Create a delay between multiple elements

Example".box", { x: 100, scale: 1.5, rotation: 360, duration: 2 });

5. Timeline for Sequencing Animations

GSAP’s gsap.timeline() helps chain animations in sequence.

let tl = gsap.timeline();".box", { x: 100, duration: 1 })
  .to(".box", { y: 100, duration: 1 })
  .to(".box", { rotation: 360, duration: 1 });

6. Easing Functions

Easing makes animations feel natural.".box", { x: 300, duration: 2, ease: "bounce.out" });".circle", { y: -100, duration: 1, ease: "elastic.out(1, 0.3)" });

7. Staggering Animations

Use stagger to animate multiple elements with delay.".boxes", { y: 100, duration: 1, stagger: 0.2 });

8. ScrollTrigger (GSAP Plugin)

To trigger animations on scroll:


<script src=""></script>

Example:".box", {  // Animates the element with class "box"
  x: 300,          // Moves the element 300 pixels to the right
  duration: 2,     // Animation lasts for 2 seconds
  scrollTrigger: { // Uses the ScrollTrigger plugin to trigger animation on scroll
    trigger: ".box",   // The animation starts when the ".box" element enters the viewport
    scroller: "body",  // Specifies the scrolling container (default is "body")
    markers: true,     // Displays visual markers (start and end points) for debugging
    start: "top 80%",  // Animation starts when the top of ".box" reaches 80% of the viewport height
    end: "top 30%",    // Animation ends when the top of ".box" reaches 30% of the viewport height
    scrub: true,       // Makes the animation progress smoothly with scrolling

Explanation of ScrollTrigger Properties

triggerDefines which element should trigger the animation when it enters/exits the viewport.
scrollerSpecifies the scrollable container (default is body). Useful when working with scrollable divs.
markersAdds visual markers to indicate where the animation starts and ends (for debugging).
startDefines when the animation starts. "top 80%" means when the top of .box reaches 80% of the viewport height.
endDefines when the animation ends. "top 30%" means when the top of .box reaches 30% of the viewport height.
scrubSyncs the animation with the scroll position. If true, the animation plays forward and backward as the user scrolls. Delays the animation by 1 second, creating a smoother transition. if scrub is scrub: 2 it has range 1-5.
pinThe pin: true property locks (pins) an element in place while the user scrolls past it.


Locomotive Scroll is a powerful JavaScript library that provides smooth scrolling, parallax effects, and scroll-based animations. It enhances user experience by making scrolling feel more natural.

1. Installation

CDN (Easiest Way)

Add this in your HTML file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
npm install locomotive-scroll

2. Basic Setup

HTML Structure

<body data-scroll-container>
  <div data-scroll-section>
    <h1 data-scroll data-scroll-speed="2">Smooth Scrolling</h1>
  • data-scroll-container → Defines the scrollable container.
  • data-scroll → Enables scroll animations for elements.
  • data-scroll-speed="2" → Adds a parallax effect.

JavaScript Setup

const scroll = new LocomotiveScroll({
  el: document.querySelector("[data-scroll-container]"), // Selects the scrollable container
  smooth: true, // Enables smooth scrolling
  lerp: 0.1, // Controls scroll smoothness (0 = instant, 1 = no smoothness)

Key Features & Properties

(1) Smooth Scrolling

const scroll = new LocomotiveScroll({
  el: document.querySelector("[data-scroll-container]"),
  smooth: true,  // Enables smooth scrolling
  smoothMobile: false, // Disable smooth scroll on mobile

(2) Parallax Effects

<h1 data-scroll data-scroll-speed="3">Parallax Effect</h1>
  • data-scroll-speed="3" → Moves the text at a different speed than the scroll.

(3) Sticky Elements

<div data-scroll data-scroll-sticky>
  <p>I'm sticky!</p>
  • data-scroll-sticky → Keeps the element fixed while scrolling.

(4) Scroll-based Animations

scroll.on("call", (value, way) => {
  if (value === "animate" && way === "enter") {
  • Runs animations when an element enters/exits the viewport.

(5) Scroll Events

scroll.on("scroll", (instance) => {
  console.log(instance.scroll.y); // Get current scroll position
  • Triggers custom functions on scroll events.

(6) Destroy & Rebuild Scroll

scroll.destroy(); // Stops LocomotiveJS
scroll.init();    // Re-initializes scrolling
  • Useful when dynamically updating content.

(7). LocomotiveJS with GSAP

GSAP works great with LocomotiveJS for advanced animations.

scroll.on("scroll", (args) => {
  let progress = args.scroll.y / args.limit;".progress-bar", { scaleX: progress });
  • This creates a scroll progress bar animation.


Smooth Scrollingsmooth: true in the JS setup
Parallax Effectdata-scroll-speed="X"
Sticky Sectionsdata-scroll-sticky
Scroll-based Animationsscroll.on("scroll", callback)
Integration with GSAPScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy()