Introduction to GSAP
GSAP(Greensock Animation Platform) is a powerful JavaScript animation library that allows you to create high-performance animations for web applications. It is widely used for animating elements with precision and smoothness.
2. Installing GSAP
You can use GSAP in multiple ways:
<script src=""></script>
3. Basic GSAP Syntax
GSAP uses the .to()
, .from()
, and .fromTo()
methods to animate elements.
→ Animates from the current state to a new state.".box", { x: 200, duration: 1 });
→ Animates from a given state to the current state.
gsap.from(".box", { opacity: 0, y: -50, duration: 1 });
→ Specifies both the start and end states explicitly.
gsap.fromTo(".box", { x: 0 }, { x: 300, duration: 1 });
4. Key Properties
x, y
→ Move horizontally/verticallyscale, scaleX, scaleY
→ Scale sizerotation, rotate
→ Rotate elementopacity
→ Change transparencyskewX, skewY
→ Skew transformationstagger
→ Create a delay between multiple elements
Example".box", { x: 100, scale: 1.5, rotation: 360, duration: 2 });
5. Timeline for Sequencing Animations
GSAP’s gsap.timeline()
helps chain animations in sequence.
let tl = gsap.timeline();".box", { x: 100, duration: 1 })
.to(".box", { y: 100, duration: 1 })
.to(".box", { rotation: 360, duration: 1 });
6. Easing Functions
Easing makes animations feel natural.".box", { x: 300, duration: 2, ease: "bounce.out" });".circle", { y: -100, duration: 1, ease: "elastic.out(1, 0.3)" });
7. Staggering Animations
Use stagger
to animate multiple elements with delay.".boxes", { y: 100, duration: 1, stagger: 0.2 });
8. ScrollTrigger (GSAP Plugin)
To trigger animations on scroll:
<script src=""></script>
Example:".box", { // Animates the element with class "box"
x: 300, // Moves the element 300 pixels to the right
duration: 2, // Animation lasts for 2 seconds
scrollTrigger: { // Uses the ScrollTrigger plugin to trigger animation on scroll
trigger: ".box", // The animation starts when the ".box" element enters the viewport
scroller: "body", // Specifies the scrolling container (default is "body")
markers: true, // Displays visual markers (start and end points) for debugging
start: "top 80%", // Animation starts when the top of ".box" reaches 80% of the viewport height
end: "top 30%", // Animation ends when the top of ".box" reaches 30% of the viewport height
scrub: true, // Makes the animation progress smoothly with scrolling
Explanation of ScrollTrigger Properties
Property | Description |
trigger | Defines which element should trigger the animation when it enters/exits the viewport. |
scroller | Specifies the scrollable container (default is body ). Useful when working with scrollable divs. |
markers | Adds visual markers to indicate where the animation starts and ends (for debugging). |
start | Defines when the animation starts. "top 80%" means when the top of .box reaches 80% of the viewport height. |
end | Defines when the animation ends. "top 30%" means when the top of .box reaches 30% of the viewport height. |
scrub | Syncs the animation with the scroll position. If true , the animation plays forward and backward as the user scrolls. Delays the animation by 1 second, creating a smoother transition. if scrub is scrub: 2 it has range 1-5. |
pin | The pin: true property locks (pins) an element in place while the user scrolls past it. |
Locomotive Scroll is a powerful JavaScript library that provides smooth scrolling, parallax effects, and scroll-based animations. It enhances user experience by making scrolling feel more natural.
1. Installation
CDN (Easiest Way)
Add this in your HTML file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
NPM/Yarn (Recommended for Projects)
npm install locomotive-scroll
2. Basic Setup
HTML Structure
<body data-scroll-container>
<div data-scroll-section>
<h1 data-scroll data-scroll-speed="2">Smooth Scrolling</h1>
→ Defines the scrollable
→ Enables scroll animations for"2"
→ Adds a parallax effect.
JavaScript Setup
const scroll = new LocomotiveScroll({
el: document.querySelector("[data-scroll-container]"), // Selects the scrollable container
smooth: true, // Enables smooth scrolling
lerp: 0.1, // Controls scroll smoothness (0 = instant, 1 = no smoothness)
Key Features & Properties
(1) Smooth Scrolling
const scroll = new LocomotiveScroll({
el: document.querySelector("[data-scroll-container]"),
smooth: true, // Enables smooth scrolling
smoothMobile: false, // Disable smooth scroll on mobile
(2) Parallax Effects
<h1 data-scroll data-scroll-speed="3">Parallax Effect</h1>
→ Moves the text at a different speed than the scroll.
(3) Sticky Elements
<div data-scroll data-scroll-sticky>
<p>I'm sticky!</p>
→ Keeps the element fixed while scrolling.
(4) Scroll-based Animations
scroll.on("call", (value, way) => {
if (value === "animate" && way === "enter") {
- Runs animations when an element enters/exits the viewport.
(5) Scroll Events
scroll.on("scroll", (instance) => {
console.log(instance.scroll.y); // Get current scroll position
- Triggers custom functions on scroll events.
(6) Destroy & Rebuild Scroll
scroll.destroy(); // Stops LocomotiveJS
scroll.init(); // Re-initializes scrolling
- Useful when dynamically updating content.
(7). LocomotiveJS with GSAP
GSAP works great with LocomotiveJS for advanced animations.
scroll.on("scroll", (args) => {
let progress = args.scroll.y / args.limit;".progress-bar", { scaleX: progress });
- This creates a scroll progress bar animation.
Feature | Usage |
Smooth Scrolling | smooth: true in the JS setup |
Parallax Effect | data-scroll-speed="X" |
Sticky Sections | data-scroll-sticky |
Scroll-based Animations | scroll.on("scroll", callback) |
Integration with GSAP | ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy() |