DOM Manipulation in JavaScript

DOM (Document Object Model) Manipulation in JavaScript refers to modifying HTML elements dynamically using JavaScript. This includes selecting, modifying, adding, or removing elements from the webpage.

Selecting Elements in the DOM

Before modifying elements, we need to select them. Here are the different ways:

document.getElementById(id)Selects an element by its IDdocument.getElementById("myDiv")
document.getElementsByClassName(className)Selects elements by class name (returns an HTMLCollection)document.getElementsByClassName("myClass")
document.getElementsByTagName(tagName)Selects elements by tag name (returns an HTMLCollection)document.getElementsByTagName("p")
document.querySelector(selector)Selects the first element that matches the CSS selectordocument.querySelector(".myClass")
document.querySelectorAll(selector)Selects all elements that match the CSS selector (returns a NodeList)document.querySelectorAll("div")

Examples of Selection Methods

1. Selecting an Element by ID

let title = document.getElementById("main-title");
console.log(title.innerText); // Logs the text inside the element

2. Selecting Elements by Class Name

let items = document.getElementsByClassName("item");
console.log(items[0].innerText); // Logs the first element's text

3. Selecting Elements by Tag Name

let paragraphs = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
console.log(paragraphs.length); // Logs the number of <p> elements

4. Selecting an Element Using querySelector()

Returns only the first matching element.

let firstItem = document.querySelector(".item"); // Selects the first `.item`

5. Selecting Multiple Elements Using querySelectorAll()

Returns a NodeList, supports .forEach().

let allItems = document.querySelectorAll(".item"); // Selects all `.item`
allItems.forEach((item) => console.log(item.innerText));

innerHTML vs innerText vs textContent in JavaScript

1. innerHTML

Gets or sets the HTML content (including tags) inside an element.
✅ Parses and renders HTML if assigned.
❌ Can expose security risks (XSS attacks) if inserting user input.

let h1 = document.querySelector("h1");

h1.innerHTML += " <i>hello</i>";

2. innerText

Gets or sets only the visible text inside an element.
✅ Ignores hidden elements (like display: none;).
❌ Does not retain HTML tags.

let h1 = document.querySelector("h1");

h1.innerText += "Hack the Planat";

3. textContent

Gets or sets all text (including hidden text) inside an element.
✅ Preserves whitespace and hidden elements (e.g., display: none;).
❌ Does not interpret HTML tags.

let h1 = document.querySelector("h1");

h1.textContent += "  Hack the Planat";

Key Differences Between innerHTML, innerText, and textContent

PropertyHTML SupportIncludes Hidden Text?PerformanceSecurity Risks?
innerHTML✅ Supports HTML✅ Yes❌ Slower (parses HTML)❌ Vulnerable to XSS
innerText❌ No HTML❌ No✅ Faster✅ Safe
textContent❌ No HTML✅ Yes✅ Fastest✅ Safe

Manipulating Styles & Classes in JavaScript

JavaScript allows us to dynamically change the styles and classes of HTML elements using:

  • – for inline styles
  • element.classList – for adding, removing, toggling, and checking classes

1. (Manipulating Inline Styles)

Modifies individual CSS properties directly
Only applies inline styles, does NOT affect CSS classes
Does not allow setting multiple styles at once using a string

<div id="box" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background: red;"></div>
<button onclick="changeStyle()">Change Style</button>

    function changeStyle() {
        let box = document.getElementById("box"); = "blue";  // Change background color = "200px";           // Change width = "200px";          // Change height

Before Clicking: Red box (100x100)
After Clicking: Blue box (200x200)

2. element.classList (Manipulating Classes)

Adds, removes, toggles, and checks classes efficiently
Does NOT override existing styles like style does

Methods of classList

add(className)Adds a classelement.classList.add("new-class")
remove(className)Removes a classelement.classList.remove("old-class")
toggle(className)Toggles a class (adds if not present, removes if present)element.classList.toggle("active")
contains(className)Checks if a class existselement.classList.contains("hidden")
replace(oldClass, newClass)Replaces an old class with a new oneelement.classList.replace("old", "new")
    .box { width: 100px; height: 100px; background: red; }
    .big { width: 200px; height: 200px; }
    .blue { background: blue; }

<div id="box" class="box"></div>
<button onclick="toggleSize()">Toggle Size</button>
<button onclick="toggleColor()">Toggle Color</button>

    let box = document.getElementById("box");

    function toggleSize() {
        box.classList.toggle("big"); // Toggles between small and big size

    function toggleColor() {
        box.classList.toggle("blue"); // Toggles background color

Creating and Deleting Elements in JavaScript DOM Manipulation

Once you’ve selected elements in the DOM, the next step in DOM manipulation is creating new elements and removing existing ones dynamically.

  • document.createElement(tagName) → Creates a new element
  • parent.appendChild(childElement) → Adds an element inside another element
  • parent.removeChild(childElement) → Removes a child element from its parent

Creating Elements – document.createElement()

Creates a new element in memory (not yet visible in the DOM).
You can set attributes, styles, and inner content before adding it to the DOM.
Must be appended manually to be visible in the DOM.

const newDiv = document.createElement('div'); // Creates a <div> element
newDiv.textContent = "Hello, this is a new div!"; // Adds text inside the div
newDiv.classList.add('new-class'); // Adds a class to the div
console.log(newDiv); // Logs the newly created <div>

Appending Elements – appendChild()

✅ Inserts a new child element inside a parent. ✅ Moves elements if they already exist (won’t duplicate them).

const parent = document.getElementById('container'); // Select an existing parent element
parent.appendChild(newDiv); // Adds the new div inside the parent element

insertBefore() – Insert Before a Specific Element

Inserts a new element before an existing child element.

const firstChild = parent.firstElementChild; // Get the first child of the parent
parent.insertBefore(newDiv, firstChild); // Insert newDiv before the first child

Removing Elements – removeChild()

Deletes a child element from its parent.
If the element does not exist inside the parent, it throws an error.

parent.removeChild(firstChild); // Removes the first child from the parent

Removing an Element Directly (remove())

Instead of removeChild(), you can use element.remove() (modern method).

newDiv.remove(); // Removes the newly created <div>


Create an elementdocument.createElement('tag')
Add an element inside anotherappendChild(element), append(element)
Insert before another elementinsertBefore(newElement, existingChild)
Remove an element from the DOMremoveChild(element), remove()

What is addEventListener()

An event listener is a method that allows you to wait for a specific event (like a click, keypress, hover, etc.) and run a function when the event occurs.

element.addEventListener(event, function, useCapture);
eventThe type of event (e.g., "click", "mouseover", "keydown")
functionThe function to run when the event occurs
useCapture (optional)true for event capturing, false for bubbling (default: false)

Basic Example: Click Event

<button id="myBtn">Click Me</button>

    document.getElementById("myBtn").addEventListener("click", function() {
        alert("Button Clicked!");

Removing an Event Listener with removeEventListener()

To remove an event, you must use a named function.

<button id="myBtn">Click Me</button>
<button id="remove">Remove Event</button>

    function showAlert() {
        alert("Button Clicked!");

    let btn = document.getElementById("myBtn");
    btn.addEventListener("click", showAlert);

    document.getElementById("remove").addEventListener("click", function() {
        btn.removeEventListener("click", showAlert); // Removes event

Event Object (event)

Every event passes an event object (e) that gives details about the event.

<button id="btn">Click Me</button>

    document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
        console.log("Event Type:", event.type);
        console.log("Clicked Element:",;
        console.log("Mouse Coordinates:", event.clientX, event.clientY);

JavaScript Events – Cheat Sheet

🖱️ Mouse EventsclickFires when an element is clicked
dblclickFires when an element is double-clicked
mousedownFires when a mouse button is pressed down
mouseupFires when a mouse button is released
mousemoveFires when the mouse moves over an element
mouseenterFires when the mouse enters an element (does not bubble)
mouseleaveFires when the mouse leaves an element (does not bubble)
mouseoverFires when the mouse enters an element or its children (bubbles)
mouseoutFires when the mouse leaves an element or its children (bubbles)
contextmenuFires when the right mouse button is clicked (opens the context menu)
⌨️ Keyboard EventskeydownFires when any key is pressed down (includes special keys like Shift, Enter)
keyupFires when a key is released
keypress (deprecated)Fires when a key is pressed (only for character keys)
📝 Form EventssubmitFires when a form is submitted
changeFires when an input/select field value changes
inputFires when the user types in an input field
focusFires when an element gains focus
blurFires when an element loses focus
resetFires when a form is reset
🌍 Window/Document EventsloadFires when the entire page has loaded (including images)
DOMContentLoadedFires when the HTML document is fully loaded (before images & stylesheets)
resizeFires when the window is resized
scrollFires when the user scrolls the page
unloadFires when the user leaves the page
beforeunloadFires when the user is about to leave the page (can show a confirmation)
visibilitychangeFires when the page visibility changes (e.g., switching tabs)
📋 Clipboard EventscopyFires when content is copied
cutFires when content is cut
pasteFires when content is pasted
🏗️ Drag & Drop EventsdragFires when an element is being dragged
dragstartFires when dragging starts
dragendFires when dragging ends
dragoverFires when a dragged element is over a valid drop target
dragenterFires when a dragged element enters a drop target
dragleaveFires when a dragged element leaves a drop target
dropFires when a dragged element is dropped
🎵📽️ Media EventsplayFires when media (audio/video) starts playing
pauseFires when media is paused
endedFires when media reaches the end
volumechangeFires when the volume is changed
timeupdateFires when the current playback position changes
👀 Focus & Blur EventsfocusFires when an element gains focus
blurFires when an element loses focus
📱 Touch Events (Mobile)touchstartFires when a touch point is placed on the screen
touchmoveFires when a touch point moves across the screen
touchendFires when a touch point is removed from the screen
⚡ Other Useful EventserrorFires when an error occurs while loading an image, script, or resource
onlineFires when the browser goes online
offlineFires when the browser goes offline
hashchangeFires when the URL hash changes (window.location.hash)